Author: Shelly Storm

CFD Director’s Message 1.11.23

“We do not become writers… dancers… musicians…helpers…peacemakers. We came as such. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes

As difficult as winter can be for some, the monthly theme of Finding our Center reminds us to return … read more.

UUFM-Micro Project

Celebrating 15 years of the UUFM-Micro Project!
A hand up, $25 dollars at a time.

In January 2008, the Social Action Committee (now Education and Justice) started the UUFM-Micro Project supporting entrepreneurs around the world through microloans.

We initially collected over $6500 with this program, and through … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 1.4.23

“…The soul is like a wild animal — tough, resilient, and yet shy. When we go crashing through the woods shouting for it to come out so we can help it, the soul will stay in hiding. But if we are willing … read more.

December 21, 2022 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

With Advent, Solstice, Hannukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa, this time of year has been called the Season of Light. Light, of course, is only half the story. In our neck of the woods, this is also the season of darkness and cold, a season that … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 12.21.22

“Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.”- Mary Oliver

As we lean into the darkest days of the year (and frigid weather, brrr!), our children’s programming takes a bit of a … read more.

December 14, 2022

Dear Friends,

The days are darkening further, a time to turn inward to reflection and quiet, a time of active waiting for the gifts of the darkness and the gifts of the coming light. Yule is next week, the shortest day of the year on the … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 12.14.22

“we have lost the miraculous gaze
we only give it to the newborn
but everyone is utterly unique
amongst the entire galaxy”
-adrienne maree brown

What is one ordinary moment or thing in your life that feels wondrous to you? For me, … read more.