Author: Shelly Storm

CFD Director’s Message 3.16.22

“…In almost every instance of our lives – our social lives – we are, if we pay attention, in the midst of an almost constant, if subtle, caretaking. Holding doors open, offering elbows at crosswalks, letting someone else go first, helping with the heavy bags, … read more.

March 9, 2022 Minister’s Message

Dear Ones,

Our Soul Matters Sharing Circle packet, on the March theme of “Renewing Faith,” suggested the2016 Martin Scorsese film Silence. It documents the efforts of two Portuguese Jesuits in 1640 to find a lost padre in Japan after the Japanese government bans Christianity. The film … read more.

March 2, 2022 Minister’s Message

Dear Ones,

Several times this week, I have come across this meme on Facebook. I have even re-posted it myself, because it speaks to part of the theology about living fully that I practice in this one life of which we are certain. It’s from writer … read more.

2nd Collection for March 2023 ECHO Food Shelf

This month’s  2nd collection funds will be used for the ECHO Food Shelf.
For the month of March Minnesota Food Share will proportionally match all donations to ECHO. That means that your donations during this time go further to provide food to our community.
For more … read more.

CFD Director’s Message March 2, 2022

Welcoming the month of Renewing Faith

I have to admit, it’s felt like a heavy week to be beginning this monthly theme. Yet, that is part of the reason why it feels important to me.

So many of the people in proximity to me and around the globe … read more.

CFD Director’s Message Feb. 23, 2022

Today, I find myself reflecting on the ways people experience widening, following various forms of trauma. My own painful experiences have taken years to process, but they’ve grown me nonetheless. While I have struggled and stumbled at times, I give thanks for how it has humbled … read more.

Feb. 23, 2022 Minister’s Message

Dear Ones,

Though it is true that we all live in uncertainty these days have too many names.  These day, we can too easily and too often put a precise name to the feelings of uncertainty shaping our lives.  How much risk should we take entering … read more.

CFD Director’s Message Feb. 16, 2022

“Empathy isn’t just remembering to say ‘that must really be hard’—it’s figuring out how to bring difficulty into the light so it can be seen at all… Empathy means acknowledging a horizon of context that extends perpetually beyond … read more.

CFD Director’s Message Feb. 16, 2022

“Empathy isn’t just remembering to say ‘that must really be hard’—it’s figuring out how to bring difficulty into the light so it can be seen at all… Empathy means acknowledging a horizon of context that extends perpetually beyond what you … read more.

CFD Director’s Message Feb. 16, 2022

“Empathy isn’t just remembering to say ‘that must really be hard’—it’s figuring out how to bring difficulty into the light so it can be seen at all… Empathy means acknowledging a horizon of context that extends perpetually beyond … read more.