Author: Shelly Storm

January 24, 2024 Minister’s Message

As I write this, I am half-watching coverage of the New Hampshire primary. I served a congregation in New Hampshire for five years, beginning in August 2016…so politics quickly impacted my brand new ministry there.

As we move into this presidential election year, I know it … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 1.24.24

“What might it be like to wake up into a day in a life of love when being loving is even more important than being loved? … A day of forgiveness and compassion. A day of grounded kindness. What might it be like to experience … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 1.17.24

“I am confused by people who say they love us but are never upset when we are treated unjustly. The two simply cannot co-exist. A love that’s aloof isn’t a love I have any use for. I need a love that is troubled … read more.

January 10, 2024 Minister’s Message

Happy New Year! I hope that however you spent the last couple of weeks, it offered you what you need: rest or activity, company or solitude, or maybe all of the above!

For several years now, many people I know have chosen a “word of the … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 1.10.24

“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” – Martin Luther King … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 1.3.24

Happy New Year, friends! January is the month of Liberating Love. I don’t yet have a reflection to share yet this month, as I reacclimate from a nice stretch of time off, but here is a quote from Austin Channing Brown to consider:

“To practice love … read more.

CFD Director’s Message 12.19.23

Thank you to all who made our recent Intergenerational Christmas Pageant Service and especially to those who brought along winter clothing items as donations! I was surprised how full my vehicle ended up being and am off to the Blue Earth County Library on this … read more.

December 19, 2023 Minister’s Message

As we head into this week of holidays, with our Winter Solstice service Thursday evening at 7:00 and our Christmas Eve service Sunday evening at 8:00, I hope you are each finding time and space to tend to your spirits in whatever way best meets … read more.