Board President Message 09.15.21

How great was it to see Reverend Rita in the pulpit on Sunday? Thanks go out to Andy, Jeff, Triselia, & Macey for pulling it off without a hitch. Soon, we hope, we’ll all be able participate in Sunday services live & in person. The COVID numbers we’ve been watching continue to be high in our region keeping us in a holding pattern for now. As we wait for the tide to turn, however, we are actively planning how things will look when we do get back in the building. Such things as masks, distancing, sanitation, & other precautions may or may not be necessary when we return, but we want to be prepared should the need arise.

Thank you to all that stayed around last Sunday to discuss ideas & concerns around reopening plans. It’s important that the Board hears a range of comments from members to help us reach the safest & most reasonable decision about when & how to reopen. Please feel free to contact us at

-Bob Finley