Board President Notes 05.12.2021

I hope you’re planning to attend our congregation’s Annual Business meeting on May 23, immediately after service.   We gather to review the past year’s challenges and accomplishments and evaluate the path forward.

I’m proud of the internal work the Fellowship has accomplished this year.  The Board has sought to strengthening UUFM’s resilience by engaging with Rev. Rita in staff and volunteer succession planning.  To decrease Fellowship vulnerability, we have identified replacement alternatives for each key individual.   As fiduciaries, the Board contracted for professional review of the church’s financial policies and practices.  The firm of Eide Bailly identified a number of financial practices we could improve.  A Joint Task Force, made up of representatives of our Finance Committee and Personnel Committee, has devoted the past 9 months responding to the report. Liz Kipp has capably chaired this work.

To increase the safety of our sanctuary, Building and Grounds has been actively pursuing ventilation improvements.  They will be completed this summer.  And thanks to our success in being awarded Mid-America’s Spring Chalice Lighter Grant, a Technology Task Force has been created to oversee purchase, installation, training and testing of new equipment.  Finally, in March the Board named a Task Force to draft core principles and guidelines for safe use of UUFM space during summer and fall.  Their work will be shared with the congregation next week and will be discussed it at our meeting.  Please make a note of our meeting date and time and plan to attend.  I look forward to our conversations.

In gratitude for this community,
