Board President Notes 1/20/2021

Board President Notes

Dear Friends,
Please join us for Worship on Sunday, Jan 24 and stay for the Mid-Year meeting that immediately follows.  It’s an opportunity for leadership and the congregation to share information, answer questions and express concerns.  You’ll see a snapshot of church finances and stewardship, learn about ministry accomplishments, including Soul Matters Small groups for adult learners, and be introduced to justice actions and educational opportunities sponsored by our Green Sanctuary Team, successes of our fall 2020 Voter Engagement outreach and proposed actions to Heal our Democracy in 2021.  The New Year is an auspicious time to evaluate how each of us wants to grow, participate and contribute in 2021.  Did you know UUFM’s Connections Team is planning to invite past members and friends who are inactive to “try us out again” through worship, social action, book group, Friday breakfast etc.?   As UU’s, we are challenged to wear our hearts on our shirt sleeves – to extend welcome to others to be part of our beloved community.  I’m practicing speaking about my UU values and inviting friends and a new neighbor to “try us out.”   Our generous spirits can share, grow, nurture and create beloved community for the benefit of all.  I look forward to conversation together at our Mid-year meeting.

Penny Herickhoff