Macey Forsyth, our Director of Children’s Faith Development, is on maternity leave and will return sometime in August. Rev. Rita is coordinating programming. During this time, parents of all ages and other volunteers are offering children’s activities throughout the summer.
- June 12: Cathi and Deb offer activities.
- June 19: Jerianne & Diane L will run an art workshop with a Juneteenth theme. To sign up click here.
- June 26: DeeAnn and Deb offer activities. To sign up click here.
- July 3: No children’s activities today.
Please arrive about 10:15 for these events.
- July 6: CANCELED Family Movie Night (Encanto). 6 PM in the Sanctuary. A Min. of 5 families registered by July 5th at noon or the event will be cancelled. Click here to register.
- July 10: Felting Project with Melinda Click here to RSVP for activity.
Due to lack of interest there will be no Children’s Chapel for the remainder of the summer and we will resume activities on September 18th. Watch this space for upcoming events & CFD news.