“We do not become writers… dancers… musicians…helpers…peacemakers. We came as such. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes
As difficult as winter can be for some, the monthly theme of Finding our Center reminds us to return to our authentic, creative nature. May these cold, dark days allow us time and space to remember what lights us up inside. And let us remember that the days are getting brighter too!
The photograph pictured is from a quick sunset stroll at Minneopa falls this past week. We had to keep our time outdoors brief with our little one. However, there is something about even a short walk this time of year, especially on a clear, colorful day, that brings me absolute awe.
This month’s schedule:
We plan to have programming available downstairs for all children and youth each Sunday. Nursery care will be available for the entire worship service. Children’s Chapel and Youth Group begin following the tale for all ages.
This Sunday, we will be honoring and reflecting on the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Deb and Macey are in Children’s Chapel, Keri and Korinne are in the Nursery, and Lee will be present to guide our time with youth, with the possibility of combining groups in the CFD room.
Youth Group will also plan to meet on Wednesday, January 18th at 6:30pm for sledding at Spring Lake Park (weather-permitting). Please RSVP here: https://uufm.breezechms.com/form/f32f6c