“You know you are as small as the things you let annoy you
And you know you are gigantic as the things that you adore”– Cloud Cult, from their song Complicated Creation (listen here: https://www.pbs.org/video/lowertown-line-cloud-cult-complicated-creation/)
While I am not big on New Years resolutions, celebrating at home this past New Years Eve had me reflecting on gratitude and setting intentions more than usual. There were several things I noted, such as how thankful I am to have been so supported and healthy, to have all my needs met, and as I looked forward, I thought of some typical resolutions, like decluttering, reading more, and practicing yoga more regularly again. However, one that has stuck in my mind as a solid, everyday intention is what I am releasing: the small things that I let annoy me.
I was inspired to invite more mindfulness around this after I noticed myself and some of my family members experiencing some impatience and frustration with one another around the holidays. How easy it is to let ourselves become irritated with the people closest to us, regardless of how deeply we also care for one another. Sometimes, there are moments worth addressing, such as when we must hold boundaries or offer corrections. However, when one finds themselves ruminating on the situation or turning to triangulation, it is time to examine whether something is worth resolving or simply letting go.
Now, in my everyday practice of mindfulness, I strive to let go again and again, inviting deeper breath and a more regulated nervous system during small annoyances, like spilling my coffee, being cut off in traffic, or forgetting something. I consider how that practice can help me be a better relative and friend because when I am patient with myself, it reminds me to practice greater compassion for the whole.
May finding our center this month lead us to more fulfilling, patient, and kind ways of loving one another.
This month’s schedule:
We plan to have programming available downstairs for all children and youth each Sunday. Nursery care will be available for the entire worship service. Children’s Chapel and Youth Group begin following the tale for all ages.
This Sunday, we may be combining groups in the CFD room once again. Our story and message will reflect on building community through something as simple as sharing a meal.
Tonight! Youth Group will also plan to meet at 6:30pm for sledding at Spring Lake Park (weather-permitting). Please RSVP here: https://uufm.breezechms.com/form/f32f6c
Macey and Korinne will also be at UUFM at 6pm tonight to care for any siblings who may not be able to go sledding, in addition to the children of the Moms Demand Action Group.