CFD Director’s Message 1.24.24

“What might it be like to wake up into a day in a life of love when being loving is even more important than being loved? … A day of forgiveness and compassion. A day of grounded kindness. What might it be like to experience a loving that does not depend on getting what we want but on offering what the world so cries out for?” – Stephen Levine*

When discussing Liberating Love, parenthood is likely not the first thing that comes to mind for many. In our society that is too often focused on individuality over collective wellbeing, many may find parenthood isolating and limiting. I can understand how, in the world we live in, maintaining mental health in parenthood can feel remarkably challenging. However, I have also recently been thinking of how transformative the experience of raising children can be when families feel supported in community.

The kind of liberation I’ve discovered in loving my child has pushed me to reconsider my identity, my self-love, where my priorities lie, and how precious my time is. Finding the time and space for reflection, wellness, and growth would be a hurdle without the support of other caregivers, though. What a treasure and relief it is when our needs are met with some ease. Knowing that it is not possible for me to always give back what others have offered in the present, I often wonder how I might someday pay it all forward.

My prayer is that the unmet needs of families are spoken. advocated for, and responded to. May we remember all that we have received and hold deep gratitude in our hearts that reminds us to give back generously. Allow inspiration to move us toward meaningful, creative, and healing changes. Let our love keep on giving, in the ways the world truly needs.



Tonight! Youth Group – Games and Pizza, Wednesday, January 24th, 6:30-8pm, with Diane L. and Macey

Intergenerational Hiking at William’s Nature Center, Saturday, January 27th,10am, with Lee and Macey

Youth Group – Sledding at Spring Lake Park*, Wednesday, January 31st, 6:30pm, with Lee and Macey
*We are working to decide if we will offer an alternative next week or cancel, as we are anticipating the snow will be melted. My apologies – please bear with us!