“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” -James Baldwin
Yesterday, at our monthly CFD Committee meeting, it was discussed that moving from the theme of courage to the theme of change feels like a natural, suitable transition. It takes courage to face what we would like to change, sometimes even in ways that feel insignificant. It’s certainly complex and difficult to shift broad, systemic issues, but it also takes intentionality and courage to face something as common as a small conflict among family or friends.
May we move into this path of change in an honest way, as we recognize the many changes waiting to be made. Let us be courageous in big and seemingly small ways – it all matters.
Nursery care
We now plan to have the nursery open every Sunday during worship and during some of our Wednesday night activities. Our new childcare workers, Ireland and Jada, are scheduled to be present this Sunday to provide care.
Children’s Faith Development
Children’s Chapel is held every Sunday from 10:45-11:30am, including the first Sundays of the month. Deb plans to be present this week to lead the time together.
Youth Group
Youth group will resume next week on Sunday, November 13th from 10:45-11:30am, led by Barb.