CFD Director’s Message 11.8.23

“Until we can receive with an open heart, we’re never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help.” -Brene Brown

As someone who spent most of my life focused on the importance of reciprocity, learning to truly receive more openly happened for me during my pregnancy and early postpartum time. How fortunate I have been and continue to be to have support, and what a precious lesson in vulnerability and care it was to allow myself to not attempt too much. While I would like to give back to each person who has given to me, I know that is not possible to do perfectly. However, in the spirit of generosity, I am keeping in mind the ways I can pay it forward this fall, as I slowly but surely share what I declutter. It is refreshing to give in these ways again.

Some resources I am utilizing for giving and receiving through this season are my neighborhood and Buy Nothing Facebook groups, thrift shops, group clothing exchanges, and our local Blue Earth County Library, where there is a winter gear swap set-up.

Our world is aching in many ways, one of which is economic stress, and caring for one another generously is a small way to soften the blow. May our needs be met and our excess be shared.

Children’s Chapel will not be meeting this week, as we celebrate Bread Communion with a multi-generational service. Linden and Alexander will, however, be present in the nursery to care for our youngest children (ages 0-5). Of course, the wiggle room is available during worship as always, too.

The rest of the month’s programming will consist of regular Children’s Chapel and Nursery care on Sundays, in addition to the following: