Once a reporter asked him, “Do you really think you are going to change the policies of this country by standing out here alone at night in front of the White House with a candle?” A.J. Muste replied softly: “Oh I don’t do this to change the country. I do this so the country won’t change me.” Andrea Ayvazian
When I read the quote above, I am reminded of how helpful it can be to practice simply noticing the way we respond to political change in our bodies. I have learned that paying attention to the body’s changes around political change can help us not get stuck at just that – the feeling. When we take the time to process what it is we are feeling, we might then dig deep into why we experience such an impact and what we can do about it.
As we witness today’s election results, may we focus our energy on the ways that we must remain true to ourselves and our values. Let us process and be in our bodies in a healthy way. May our longing for a more just world motivate us to be present to the work, the grief, the joy, and everything in between along the way. At the end of the day, if all you can do is to light a candle and let yourself rest, please rest easy knowing that you have always been and will always be worthy of it.
Nursery care
We now plan to have the nursery open every Sunday during worship and during some of our Wednesday night activities. Our new childcare workers, Jada and Korinne, are scheduled to be present this Sunday to provide care.
Children’s Faith Development
Children’s Chapel is held every Sunday from 10:45-11:30am, including the first Sundays of the month. This week, DeeAnn and I will be there to facilitate the session.
Youth Group
Youth group will also take place this week from 10:45-11:30am, led by Barb and Teresa. While plans with the youth group have been tentative recently due to low attendance, our current intention is to hold sessions every Sunday during this timeframe, as well as once a month on Wednesday evenings. A week from today (Wednesday, 11/16) we will try to gather together again for fun, games, and food, from 6:30-8pm.