“we have lost the miraculous gaze
we only give it to the newborn
but everyone is utterly unique
amongst the entire galaxy”
-adrienne maree brown
What is one ordinary moment or thing in your life that feels wondrous to you? For me, it is waking up to my baby daily. After having Aedan airlifted without me less than 24 hours after he was pulled out of my body, it has felt obvious to me what a blessing it is to get to spend another day with this little person in my arms. The most terrifying and surreal moments of my life were gifts for how I now know deeper appreciation for all that I have. They’ve also granted me deeper empathy for those who have known the losses and pain that I do not know, including the many I wonder about who came before me and those who will follow. I have allowed myself to grieve the loss of the birth experience I’d hoped for and recognize all the ways our situation could have been far more difficult.
These present moments now are the most magical of my seemingly mundane everyday experience. Even when I feel tense and exhausted, the weight of this child on me brings the most comforting warmth. Now more than ever, I can keep a sense of humor through every hair yanked and bodily fluid leaked. His squeals and smiles make my heart lighter, and the scent of him makes me feel at home. This is the most wondrous and loving experience I have yet known.
I want to remember to carry this perspective with me later in life, as our mornings together will change and transform, the way most everything does. Among life’s vastness, the time and space we inhabit is insignificant… and yet, its temporary nature is a significant part of what makes it so dear to me.
I hope that this winter, you, too, are held in the warmth of another’s love, whether that is a family member, a friend, or non-human companion. I encourage you to take a little time to consider how you experience wonder in your day-to-day life… or perhaps how you might practice wondering more.
This Wednesday, December 14th, at 6pm, please note that in addition to Rev. Rita’s writing group, there will be a game and potluck night at the UUFM, open to people of all ages. Korinne and Macey plan to be present to care for our youngest friends.
Nursery care will be available for worship on Sunday, December, 18th, thank you to Ireland and Jada.
Children’s Chapel and Youth Group will resume in January, as our Sunday, December 18th and Saturday (evening), December 24th worship services will be multi-generational, featuring our traditions of a no-rehearse pageant and reading of the classic holiday tale, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas! We encourage the use of the activity bins and fidget items near the staircase, as well as the Wiggle Room, to congregants of all ages who may need a little space or movement.