CFD Director’s Message 12.6.23

     “I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answers.” -Rainer Maria Rilke

With the month’s theme being Mystery, I found these words above from a favorite poet to be quite suitable. May they be a source of wisdom, a reminder of humility, and a balm for anxiety. Even the curiosity and openness to simply wonder what a new day may hold might shift our perspective. Pictured here is a lovely sunrise that reminds me of that.

The month of December is a busy one for many, and our church programming is taking a little bit of a different rhythm than usual. Please read updates carefully to be aware of what is happening in the weeks ahead.

Children’s Chapel will be meeting this Sunday, December 10th, with Danielle and Macey facilitating. Barb and Lee will be present in the nursery to care for our youngest children (ages 0-5). It is actually our last “regular” Sunday of Children’s Chapel until 2024!

On Sunday, December 17th, there will be an intergenerational worship service and UU Christmas Pageant (if you’re curious what that looks like, here is a spoiler of what the script will essentially be: UU Christmas Pageant (Interactive and Social Justice-Themed) | WorshipWeb |

On Sunday, December 24th, our Christmas Eve service will take place in the evening.

On Sunday, December 31st, our worship service is virtual.

The rest of the month’s programming will consist of the following:

  • Thursday, December 14th 5-7pm: Youth Group Fire at Ganske’s (next door to UUFM) and Walk to Kiwanis
    Because there is no snow or sledding yet available, Macey and Lee will be offering an alternative youth group activity this month. However, we are asking that a minimum of two youth families RSVP for us to go ahead with this plan.
    RSVP here:
  • Saturday, December 16th, 10am: Intergenerational Hiking at Flandrau State Park
    Hosted by Lee and Macey. Because this location is a bit farther for Mankato-area residents, please know that carpooling is a possibility and note if that is a need or desire for you on the Breeze form.
    RSVP here:
  • Wednesday, December 20th, 6:30-8pm:  Intergenerational Art Journaling Group
    Tea and popcorn to be served, with Deb and Macey
    RSVP here: