CFD Director’s Message 4.3.24

“Frequently in my practice, patients tell me that they often cry in private. I ask them whether they ever allow their grief to be witnessed and shared with others. There is usually a quick retort of “No, I couldn’t do that. I don’t want to be a burden to anyone else.” …We need to recover our right to ask for help in grief, otherwise it will continue to recycle perpetually. Grief has never been private; it has always been communal. Subconsciously, we are awaiting the presence of others, before we can feel safe enough to drop to our knees on the holy ground of sorrow.” -Francis Weller

One of the things that I feel is most powerful about the love of community is the way that it holds us through significant grief and change. It really is a web in that way. We can not rely fully on any one person, but true community keeps us from falling through the cracks, as long as we keep showing up vulnerably and authentically.

May you be reminded this April, the month of Interdependence, that we at UUFM strive to be an integral part of that web. Let us ask ourselves how we might both strengthen it with what we can offer and lean into it when we need support.

I will be taking time off this coming week, but Deb, Danielle, and Linden will be present on Sunday to provide children’s programming / childcare!

Other dates this month – Please RSVP at the links below: