CFD Director’s Message 5.29.24

“The most peaceful people that I know, and the most wise people that I know, are the ones who have created enough internal space to be able to allow all the parts of themselves to coexist despite the contradictions. So they have room for their creativity. They also have room for their fear. They have room for their dignity. They also have room for their shame. They have room for the parts of themselves that are glorious and divine and wonderful. And they have room for the parts of themselves that are petty and jealous and ridiculous. Right? Like, they create this big, huge auditorium of a landscape inside themselves. They don’t kick any parts out, because guess what? You can’t.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

As we conclude the month of Pluralism, let us be reminded and be at peace with the way we are invited to hold contradictory emotions and parts of ourselves. Just like multiple seemingly contradictory perspectives can be valid, we, ourselves, get to embody pluralism.

Next month’s theme is Renewal. I look forward to exploring that, planning ahead for this summer, and taking some time off at the tail end of the month to gain my own sense of the theme.


I look forward to being present at UUFM tonight alongside Deb Fitzloff for our Intergenerational Art Journaling night from 6:30-8pm.

Please consider joining in for a night of connecting with folks, creating some reflective art, and enjoying popcorn and tea. I will provide some guidance for our time together, but it is mostly open-ended!