“I was so shocked to learn that the opposite of belonging is fitting in. Because fitting in is assessing a group of people and changing who you are. But true belonging never asks us to change who we are. It demands we be who we are.” Brené Brown
My standard morning ritual these days consists first of time spent in an old wooden rocking chair feeding and cuddling Aedan before a much shorter time spent writing than I used to enjoy. I sit with a bit more acceptance that some dreams and thoughts will float on by without me capturing them on paper, striving to be present for those moments spent with the small new person I call mine. Today, as I held his gaze, I remembered the words from Kahlil Gibran, titled, On Children. Gibran writes, “Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but are not from you, and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.”
At that moment, I reflected on how much pressure so many young people experience to “fit in” both at school and in some cases, even at home. It creeps in without us realizing it and takes some real thoughtfulness to consider how we might create more spaces that aren’t only welcoming but sustain the need for deep bonds. In my role as a parent and caregiver, I practice being mindful of this to ensure that I create a space of Belonging, with stories, words, and actions that remind people of their value, exactly as they are. I may not always get it right but hope to always meet people, especially the younger among us, with affirmation, curiosity, and comfort.
Remember that our best selves are our most comfortable, authentic selves. May our gifts lead to abundant opportunity and deep gratitude, all around. I pray that the energy of honoring ourselves and others is contagious. Let there be no doubt in our minds that the most healthy and welcoming places are where we are meant to be. May we always feel we have places and people to belong with – places where our hearts need no defense, to cultivate the most tender love, to share, care, and grow.
Youth Group meets tonight, from 6:30-8pm, with Lee and Macey…
Please dress warm as we are considering doing our initial check-in and a short meditation outdoors (right out front at the UUFM), as long as everyone is comfortable. We then plan to head in for an art activity and pizza dinner (with the option of gluten-free cheese, regular pepperoni, veggies + hummus, gluten-free chips + dip). At this time, I will not be asking folks to RSVP via Breeze for each session. However, I am asking for fresh registration forms to be filled out please. (Here is the link to that: https://uufm.breezechms.com/form/67ef5a568990)
There is no CFD downstairs this week, but the nursery will be open to children ages 0-5, thanks for Keri J. and Diane L. Families with children are also welcome to make use of the Wiggle Room and activity bins near the entrance of the Sanctuary.
Keep an eye out on next weeks’ updates for more information on what is planned in October, the month of Courage. We will kick it off a week from today, with a screening of Coco in the Sanctuary on Wednesday evening.