Children’s Faith Development Director’s Corner 05.12.21

“Storytelling is our obligation to the next generation. If all we are doing is marketing, we are doing a disservice, and not only to our profession, but to our children, and their children. Give something of meaning to your audience by inspiring, engaging, and educating them with story. Stop marketing. Start storytelling.” – Laura Holloway

Not only have I been thinking about the way our stories affect future generations, but the difference our attention makes when witnessing the stories of our own elders, those we inevitably have more limited time with. The last year has been excruciating for so many who have lost, missed, or been faced with the mortality of those we hold dear. Connection has become more challenging, and I appreciate the ability to connect much more because of what we have collectively gone through.

Mother’s day brought the opportunity to be with my maternal grandparents. While I am so glad for the numerous memories of them that I cling to, I wondered how much time we have left here together and felt myself longing for the many stories forgotten or left untold. There are a lot of details of their stories that I struggle to recall, but I will always remember who they are, their humor, essence, and values. I pray for more time to listen to and make memories with them. Yet, I also hope to share what I do know of them for many years to come, even after they do not live in their bodies any longer.

So, my call to action today is to invite an elder for their story, whether that is available verbally or through writing. Perhaps, if you are experiencing the recent loss of an elder, you might consider asking another person who knew them well for a story. You might even consider how you might amplify or preserve their story. To those of you who consider yourself elders, please know that the value in your stories is still appreciated. You will live on in even the traces of stories you leave behind.

I pray we listen deeply and prioritize authentic connection. Memory is sparked in many ways – song, video, art, writing, family recipes, and practices taught. Let the stories come through in many mediums. May we lovingly give these gifts and receive them gratefully. Let all that is good and meaningful be carried on for many generations to come.

I am here for you, just an email or a phone call away. While I am no longer holding virtual “office hours”, you can reach me on my personal phone at 507-995-7929 or by email at . If I do not answer, I encourage you to send a text or leave a voicemail. Currently, I am available for daytime meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I also do have availability most other weekday evenings. I will continue to do my best to serve as a resource to our community, through connecting you to one another and of course, directly. Being a light in the lives of others is as important as ever, and I hope you will stay connected.

Macey Forsyth

Please consider joining our private Facebook group: UUFM Children’s Faith Development ( This group is intended for families and congregants who are involved in Children’s Faith Development. My approval of new members’ access to the information there is what makes the group a safe space for sharing. I will be sharing our weekly stories as Facebook videos on my personal page publicly and sharing them in the group, as well as short prayers and meditations.

Link to the stories: Our virtual Stories for All Ages are now available on the UUFM YouTube Channel. At least one new story will be available by Sunday, each week.

Youth Group: Youth Group meets this Sunday, May 16th, from 11:30am-12:30pm via Zoom with Lee and Barb. Our theme is Story and will inform some of the content shared. As always, more information will be posted to our private Facebook group and sent out via email.

Virtual Children’s Chapel: Our next Children’s Chapel will be held next Sunday, May 23rd, from 11:30am-12:30pm via Zoom with Danielle and Macey. We will be considering the way that joy is shared and felt through story. As always, more information will be posted to our private Facebook group and sent out via email.