Children’s Faith Development Director’s Corner 05.26.21

As I write this, I feel fortunate to have started my day slowly sipping my morning coffee and water while writing my morning pages, then practicing yoga outdoors, next to a lake in northern Minnesota. It really set the tone for my day. No matter how full my to-do list may feel, today brought some time to pause. To show up fully recharged, I sometimes need that time to allow myself to be away from whatever is not urgent.

While I had taken my time in the morning, the wind had begun picking up. I had considered streaming a virtual yoga class for my mid-morning yoga practice but decided against it as soon as I walked down to the lake. It would be hard to hear my phone speaker next to the waves crashing, so I embraced the elements and chose my own flow, screen-free. Being there was the most present and at peace I have felt in a while, as I released my body’s tension in a beautiful, immersive environment.

Witnessing the water being forcefully moved by the mighty winds reminded me of how, gradually, the landscape is shaped by these elements, kind of like how our own stories slowly form and unfold. We often do not notice the difference in ourselves right away, following the turbulence we endure, but others may. Without strong relationships, including those we cultivate with ourselves; we might lose sight of ourselves. Supportive companions see us from a different, sometimes wider perspective – similarly to how, each year, I notice slight changes on the familiar shore that I love returning to.

May we know ourselves and others deeply enough to consciously witness changes, growth, and struggles, noticing where extra care is needed. May that care be reciprocal in nature, reminding us that we too are loved. Let us observe more than we judge. Remind us of the lessons, stories, and wisdom that change and aging hold. I pray that our resilience and adaptability serve us well through the most difficult times.

…I am here for you, just an email or a phone call away. While I am no longer holding virtual “office hours”, you can reach me on my personal phone at 507-995-7929 or by email at . If I do not answer, I encourage you to send a text or leave a voicemail. Currently, I am available for daytime meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I also do have availability most other weekday evenings. I will continue to do my best to serve as a resource to our community, through connecting you to one another and of course, directly. Being a light in the lives of others is as important as ever, and I hope you will stay connected.

Macey Forsyth

Please consider joining our private Facebook group: UUFM Children’s Faith Development ( This group is intended for families and congregants who are involved in Children’s Faith Development. My approval of new members’ access to the information there is what makes the group a safe space for sharing. I will be sharing our weekly stories as Facebook videos on my personal page publicly and sharing them in the group, as well as short prayers and meditations.

Link to the stories: Our virtual Stories for All Ages are now available on the UUFM YouTube Channel. At least one new story will be available by Sunday, each week.

Youth Group: We will be meeting in-person, outside of the UUFM on Saturday, June 12th from 1-3pm for games, tie-dye, and connection! We will also be holding our regular Sunday Zoom meeting, on June 20th from 11:30am-12:30pm.

Also, this past Sunday, we congratulated our high school seniors during worship! What they shared and ways to personally congratulate them is posted in our private Facebook group. Please consider sending out a few cards to them!

Virtual Children’s Chapel: We will be holding Children’s Chapel via Zoom, on June 13th from 11:30am-12:30pm. We will also be meeting in-person, outside of the UUFM on Saturday, June 19th from 1-3pm for games, tie-dye, and connection. As always, details can be found on our private Facebook group and will be sent via email!