Children’s Faith Development Director’s Corner 1/20/2021

Art is from “The Latest Kate”

“You can either think that the world is getting better or that the future will be much better than it is now, or you can think that the world is getting worse. But that continuum isn’t as important to me as this idea of: Do you think you have agency in this world that is either getting better or worse?” Angela Oguntala

In the last three months, it has become apparent to me how some sense of an established routine is important to my mental health and creative spirit. One of the thoughts that has continually occurred to me in re-establishing creative practices like regularly sketching and writing, is that most of all, it takes the belief and courage that the precious time spent imagining and creating is worthwhile, regardless of the outcome. So often, overcoming mental blocks is the first step in affecting change. We must believe that our voice, energy, and actions are valuable, regardless of the way what we say or create is received.

Today, I am so grateful that United States citizens chose to believe that their votes and their voices mattered this last year. We witnessed the largest voter turnout and the largest protests in United States history, during a pandemic. Humanity, as a whole, showed up, proving that we live in a world of empathy, care, compassion, love, as well as a longing for equity and justice. Today, I woke up remembering the feeling I had four years ago, truly in a state of dread and disbelief. Yet, today, as we welcome a new administration to lead our country forward, I feel relieved and hopeful for what is yet to come.

Our authentic voices are birthed in our imaginations and are an amazing gift, when we choose to use them. May you imagine, today, what progress and solutions you would most like to see in the coming years. I pray that you believe, today and always, in your ability to affect positive change, in large and small ways. We exist in a world that requires us to be brave and vulnerable in sharing, but I believe that kind of courage lives in us all.

Please consider joining our private Facebook group:

UUFM Children’s Faith Development
( This group is intended for families and congregants who are involved in Children’s Faith Development. My approval of new members’ access to the information there is what makes the group a safe space for sharing. I will be sharing our weekly stories as Facebook videos on my personal page publicly and sharing them in the group, as well as short prayers and meditations.

Link to the stories:

Our virtual Stories for All Ages are now available on the UUFM YouTube Channel. At least one new story will be available by Sunday, each week.

Youth Group

Our Youth Group meets tonight Wednesday, January 20th via Zoom from 6:30-8pm for a check-in and games! (We will NOT be meeting at Spring Lake Park for sledding this month but we are considering next month.)

Virtual Children’s Chapel

Children’s Chapel will be held this Sunday, January 24th at 11:30am via Zoom. We will explore the January theme of imagination with Danielle and Macey, with a story and activity.

Best regards,
Macey Forsyth