Children’s Faith Development Director’s Corner 12/9/2020

“Perhaps embracing the inherent incompleteness of what we know of the world is a form of hope, allowing us to remember that there’s always something left to unfold or be discovered — and not always in the way we might’ve been conditioned to expect it. May we allow ourselves to listen, and even delight in its surprises, as we work alongside the richness of this incompleteness.” – Kristin Lin

I have been reflecting on what additional time spent at home over the last several months has meant for me and the ways I have needed to adapt. Initially, like many, my husband, Drew, and I enthusiastically began some painting and remodeling in our home last spring. We focused on making as many elements of our home feel as finished as we could. It made me notice how bothered we each become when certain parts are left undone… functional, but not always polished, complete. When I see projects I simply haven’t made a priority, I often feel the opposite of stillness. There are moments I become anxious and even a bit agitated.

Last year, after some heavy rains, a leak in our ceiling, right above our bed became obvious – even audible. When I noticed it, Drew promptly jumped up from the couch to repair it. He worked quickly, knowing that the ceiling texture would not match in the place where he patched it. The priority was for us to be dry, clean, and warm that night though. Since making that quick fix, he has mentioned to me several times how bothersome that patch is to him. I believe we are all like this sometimes: so critical of the imperfection of our own work.

The variation in texture that may be bothersome to many, however, it reminds me of the way that I am cared for. To me, it is a metaphor for relationship. So often, we forget that there are often good reasons why there is work unfinished. Instead of focusing on what is left undone, I hope that today you might delight in its possibility. May your priorities be rooted in love and care, not perfection. I pray that unfinished work brings you stillness and presence, knowing that truly, there will always be more work to do.

Please know that I am just an email or a phone call away. While I am no longer holding virtual “office hours”, you can reach me on my personal phone at 507-995-7929 or by email at . If I do not answer, I encourage you to send a text or leave a voicemail. Currently, I am available for daytime meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I also do have availability most other weekday evenings. I will continue to do my best to serve as a resource to our community, through connecting you to one another and of course, directly. Being a light in the lives of others is as important as ever, and I hope you will stay connected.

Macey Forsyth


Please consider joining our private Facebook group:

UUFM Children’s Faith Development
( This group is intended for families and congregants who are involved in Children’s Faith Development. My approval of new members’ access to the information there is what makes the group a safe space for sharing. I will be sharing our weekly stories as Facebook videos on my personal page publicly and sharing them in the group, as well as short prayers and meditations.

Link to the stories:

Our virtual Stories for All Ages are now available on the UUFM YouTube Channel. At least one new story will be available by Sunday, each week.

Virtual Children’s Chapel

Our next Children’s Chapel date will be held on Sunday, December 13th at 11:30am. We will have a comfy pajama day to celebrate these short, chilly days leading up to Winter Solstice. Our monthly theme is Stillness. As always, more details and Zoom info will be posted to our private Facebook group and sent out via email.

Youth Group

Our Youth Group meets next Wednesday, December 16th, from 6:30-8pm, with Barb and Macey. In place of our typical “game night”, we invite our youth to share their skills for our own little variety show. The hope is to provide a fun and safe virtual space to showcase all kinds of expression. It may be performed, demonstrated, or simply shown – this may take the form of music, dance, origami, poetry, painting, and whatever else our youth come up with. Barb and I are excited to witness what will be shared! As always, keep an eye on your email and our private Facebook group for Zoom info.