Children’s Faith Development Director’s Corner 3/24/2021

“Most of life is choosing what you already chose, just as all writing is rewriting and all commitment-making is recommitment. Our lives are stories of recommitment.” David Brooks


There was a time, admittedly not that long ago, when anxiety became a force of resistance in me. The fear of falling short had blocked me from beginning again. Some of my deepest shame triggers were rooted in the times that I had let myself and others down. Sometimes, I over-committed or committed too soon. Even my expectations of myself have often grown too large for my own needs. Validating my own needs when they do not align with desires or expectations has taken time to truly know and practice.

I still regularly can feel self-doubt creeping in, wondering if I am doing enough or doing it well. I am not sure why or how I began to be conditioned in this way. However, in becoming aware of my tendencies, I recommit to healthy change, self-embrace, and new growth. Realizing that we were never meant to do it all, while defining what matters most is a balancing act, and delegating the rest is a liberating practice.

May we know that stumbling is a part of the process, as we recommit to ourselves, our purpose, our community, and our interconnected web. Let us embrace the parts of ourselves and one another that we have viewed as flawed. Those qualities, too, bring forth gifts. Liberate us from our own harsh criticisms, and allow us to nurture ourselves, trusting that we know our own needs best. Release our fears of starting again and show us to our potential. Make our inherent worth known deeply.

I close with the following poem about honoring the wisdom each of us holds:

“The Voice

There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
“I feel this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong.”
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What’s right for you–just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.”

― Shel Silverstein

Sharing such introspective, personal thoughts is both vulnerable and fulfilling work for me. My hope is that sharing in this way might plant a seed for another to look inward and see themselves in a different, perhaps more compassionate light as well. I am humbled and grateful for each of you that read these words that grow me too. I welcome and find joy in feedback and continued conversation.

Please know that I am just an email or a phone call away. While I am no longer holding virtual “office hours”, you can reach me on my personal phone at 507-995-7929 or by email at . If I do not answer, I encourage you to send a text or leave a voicemail. Currently, I am available for daytime meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I also do have availability most other weekday evenings. I will continue to do my best to serve as a resource to our community, through connecting you to one another and of course, directly. Being a light in the lives of others is as important as ever, and I hope you will stay connected.

Macey Forsyth

Please consider joining our private Facebook group: UUFM Children’s Faith Development ( This group is intended for families and congregants who are involved in Children’s Faith Development. My approval of new members’ access to the information there is what makes the group a safe space for sharing. I will be sharing our weekly stories as Facebook videos on my personal page publicly and sharing them in the group, as well as short prayers and meditations.

Link to the stories: Our virtual Stories for All Ages are now available on the UUFM YouTube Channel. At least one new story will be available by Sunday, each week.

Youth Group: Our Youth Group meets next Wednesday, April 7th from 6:30-8pm. Zoom info will be posted on our Facebook group and sent in an email.

Virtual Children’s Chapel: Our next Children’s Chapel will be held this Sunday, March 28th with Macey and Danielle. Zoom info will be posted on our Facebook group and sent in an email.