Green Sanctuary Team

The Green Sanctuary Team is a subset of our Education and Justice Team

Mission: Engage leaders, members, and friends in bold, urgent, and effective climate-action and climate-justice work that moves the congregation in a long-term cycle of awareness/assessment, inspiration and planning, and effective action in the areas of mitigation, adaptation/resilience, and justice.



  1. Gain re-accreditation as a UU Green Sanctuary by:
  • Assessment of past UU Green Sanctuary actions – Completed
  • Development of an Action Plan and intended impacts in mitigation, adaptation/resilience, and justice.
  • Assisting in the implementation of the approved Action Plan

To encourage the team and fellowship to be as resilient as time and resources allow.


In Scope:  The plan may include mitigation, adaptation/resilience and/or justice actions in the areas of:

  • Services
  • Member and Community Education/Resources
  • Buildings
  • Grounds
  • Community partnerships
  • Joining existing Organizations

Click here to go to our Green Sanctuary page for more information.