January 27, 2021 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message

Dear friends,
All we human beings experience pain and sorrow, and each of us moves into that reality in our own ways. We all share the experience of loss, and we all bear different burdens as we experience it. I have come to realize that I need some time away to mourn my father, to fully acknowledge my grief, and to allow myself the spaciousness to see the path opening that may become my new life and new identity without my father’s presence.

I’ve had a lengthy and healing conversation with the members of the Committee on Shared Ministry (thank you Nancy Cramblit, Deb Fitzloff, Henry Panowitsch, and Jane Schostag), and they affirm and support my need to take time off as soon as possible. I have communicated with our Board about being will be away from Fellowship responsibilities from January 30-February 7, with arrangements made to cover the meetings I would normally run. I trust that you trust my judgment in this decision, and I look forward to time for reflection and some needed rest. If you have questions about my decision, please contact a member of the Committee on Shared Ministry.

May we find the strength and the drive to build Beloved Community in all the ways we can as you remember, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.

Blessings, Rev. Rita (she/hers)