January 30, 2019 Minister’s Message

Minister’s Message

What an absolutely beautiful day it was last Sunday, as so many of you shared what the Fellowship means in your lives, what aspirations you have for the Fellowship to be even more sustaining, and, so crucially, what you will do to make these dreams possible. As I promised you last April when you called me, as I re-iterated last Sunday, I will hold on and promote our values and our work, but I cannot do that work alone. The Fellowship needs all of us—staff, leadership, and volunteers to make our aspirations real in the world.

Several important themes emerged from all your notes (you can read the full list by clicking on this link, 1 27 19 Shared Wisdom, Desire, and Commitment, and please do let me know if I missed or misrepresented your words). Printed copies of this list are also available on the hutch in the entryway.

I saw so much gratitude—for acceptance, for friendship and community, for healing and hope. We know that Unitarian Universalism is a saving faith and that our Fellowship can be saving place.

I saw so much desire to be visible in the greater Mankato region and beyond. And I saw so much desire for the kinds of programs that might attract people to our doors, to, as one person put it, find their way home to us. Yes—we want to be seen, and so we need to do things—programs and events of various kinds—so that our light shines.

And I saw so much willingness to give time, talent, and treasure to the Fellowship. And this is where we make the ladder and raise the ladder to the moon of our aspirations. So here is where the vitality and longevity and the impact of the Fellowship might emerge—if you are all willing to do what you can.

And I do mean all, in the specific ways that we each can, because we all know what happens when only some are involved—people create fiefdoms, which others cannot share in; people burn out, because too often they work too intensely on their own. If we are to be a saving place for the world, we must remain a saving place for each other, where we work together in ways that are compassionate and healing, so that we may create and sustain this saving place for our children and the larger world.

Some initiatives are underway—a grief group for parents without partners actively parenting children; a grief group for those experiencing chronic conditions; engagement of Minister and Director of CFD with the Youth Group; efforts to renew our Welcoming Congregations status with the UUA and work toward more transgender awareness and welcome. If you would like to become involved in any of these initiatives, please send me an email.

And if you see something on that list, or have another idea, I ask only that you find three friends to work with you so that you share the love and the burden without growing weary, and you let me know of our plans so that I and staff and leadership can support your efforts to create goodness within the Fellowship for those here and those not yet with us. Thus, we will work together rather than at cross purposes, as we find the best and most faithful ways forward. And thus, we are all co-creators of the ministries of this Fellowship.

Check our website calendar for the times when Board and Committee Meetings are scheduled, if you want to be part of decision-making processes. And make a gift or make a pledge of financial treasure. That is always needed and always welcome, though it is a present that can never substitute for your presence.


With hope and faith, I look forward to seeing you soon, especially at the Fellowship.

Blessings, Rev. Rita