January 31, 2024 Minister’s Message

As we move into our stewardship campaign over the next month or so, I want to say a hearty “thank you” for all of the ways I see you being good stewards of this congregation. Just to name a few examples from my first six months with you, in no particular order:


  • Caring for each other: I see you sending cards and emails of care, making phone calls and visits, and letting me know when someone might need pastoral attention from me.
  • Caring for the UUFM community as a whole: I see you volunteering in so many ways, on Sundays and beyond, in worship and in children’s faith development and the nursery, inside and outside our building. I see your elected leaders and others making thoughtful decisions in alignment with our values and mission.
  • Caring for the staff: I see your commitment to being ethical and compassionate employers, and your warmth to our dedicated staff.
  • Caring for the building: I see you taking care of things like getting new locks installed, addressing big and little maintenance issues, and cleaning up when messes happen.
  • Caring for the financial needs of the congregation: I see you honoring your pledges, putting money in the offering in person or online, and making one-time generous additional gifts when you have the ability to do so.
  • Caring for our values in the wider Mankato community: I see you volunteering your time and energy with many organizations aligned with our values. I see you being engaged citizens and caring about democracy at all levels of our society.

I could list so much more! Please know that your efforts and your commitment matter—they make UUFM what it is.


In gratitude,

Rev. Diana