July 17, 2019 Minister’s Message

July 17
Minister’s Message
My life has been changing in many wonderful ways. Buying a house my husband and I hope to make a home. Letting go of a home that has provided complex memories and much joy for over 19 years. Embracing southwestern Minnesota as our home. Moving a couple of cats, literally, halfway across the continent.

Changes are happening in the Fellowship as well. New names, and the absence of other familiar ones. Rooms changing function, and unusual disorder. A process to bring forward a new member of staff, a Director to guide our CFD program. New ways of doing things, and some confusion over how to get things done. Change is necessary, and it can feel overwhelming.

In such times, I rely more than ever on spiritual practice, reminding me that change is the only constant and that I am strongest to weather it, to get the most out of it, when I am centered and at peace within myself. The UUA has fostered a blog called “Braver/Wiser,” with UUs all across the country giving their stories of building resilience and gathering spiritual strength. I recommend it. Click here to get the weekly message in your email inbox.

I am away for vacation and study leave July 19-August 10, and I’ll be back in worship with you August 11. Until I return, may you remember, today and every day, you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so.

Blessings and best wishes, Rev. Rita