Dear Ones,
Our Soul Matters theme for the month of March is “Vulnerability.” Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Emilie Boggis writes that, “It is an act of resistance in our culture to say: everyone needs care at different points in their life and everyone provides care to others.” It’s a powerful statement about love and vulnerability. No one is simply the one who cares for and the one who loves, no one simply the one cared for and needy. No one group is simply all-powerful and all-knowing, no one group simply broken and needy. Providing care and love and needing love and care, these are states of being for individuals and for communities. All persons, all groups can provide love. All persons and all groups are at times vulnerable. When we are humble enough and truthful enough to acknowledge this reality, we open ourselves to more possibilities for relationship and for learning. I believe such possibility is a good reason to be vulnerable at times.
May you resist the forces of our culture, care for someone and allow someone to care for you, today and every day, as you remember you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May your feel it so, and may it be so.
Blessings and warm wishes, Rev. Rita