March 27, 2024 Minister’s Message

Despite the presence of several inches of snow in my yard as I write this, spring has officially arrived, and as is so often the case, this season feels to me as if it is full of energy and change. I have lots of plans for the next several months, and want to highlight a couple of them in this column.

In early February, I preached about a powerful civil rights pilgrimage I took last October, to Memphis and Mississippi through the Living Legacy Project. Next week, I will be away on study leave completing a second pilgrimage with them, this time to Alabama. We will visit Birmingham, Montgomery, and Selma—sites of some of the most famous (and infamous) events of the struggle for civil rights in the 1960s.

Later this spring, instead of a worship service about the second pilgrimage, I will offer a non-Sunday-morning presentation about the pilgrimages as a whole, which will be open to all. Once a date is set I hope you will invite friends to join us!

Also this spring, I will lead a worship training session for both current worship associates and anyone interested in having a role in worship—whether the full worship associate role, or something smaller like doing a single reading. I originally planned to offer this in April, but due to a calendar full of other great events, it will happen later. (The date will be set soon—stay tuned for more details.)

Of course these are just two of the many important events in the life of the congregation this spring—see elsewhere in this weekly email and future ones for the other events! I hope you will engage with whatever speaks most to you, and consider inviting a friend or two to join you!

In the meantime, I hope spring is bringing you energy and joy—even if it sometimes comes with some snow!

In gratitude,
Rev. Diana