May 1, 2024 Minister’s Message

This week’s column is an invitation: come see me on a Wednesday, or let me know if you’d like me to come see you!

I hold office hours at the fellowship most Wednesdays. While many of those days are full of committee meetings, there have now been several times when my only meetings were my weekly one-on-one check ins with staff members. On those Wednesdays, I have had several hours free. I always have plenty of tasks that can fill that time productively—but those tasks can also happen in my home office, so I would rather spend my office hours in Mankato meeting with you!

You don’t need to have an agenda or a specific topic in mind to meet with me—it could just be a casual conversation in which we get to know each other better.

If you’d like to meet with me (whether at the fellowship, your home, or perhaps at a coffee shop or park) please reach out by email, text, or phone to let me know, and we’ll schedule a time to get together.

In gratitude,
Rev. Diana