May 22, 2019 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

It is once again a time for me to take a short “pause” (my intentional word for the year). I’ll be traveling to Buffalo and then to Pennsylvania for the Memorial Day weekend. It may rain the entire time I am away. Still, it will be very good to see family and distant friends, to enjoy the affection of my two cats (Sita and Tommy), if they still remember me. May they remain as curious as cats ought to be!

And I offer you the following spiritual practice, brought to us by Soul Matters, while I am away, an opportunity to be deliberately curious about issues you might have avoided. Jubilee Media produces some of the most provocative and important conversational videos on the internet. Their video series is called Middle Ground. It brings together people from opposite sides of various issues to talk, debate, get to know each other, and hopefully leave a little more curious about the other side rather than just judging them. It’s something we all could use a little help doing.

There are many videos available through the “Watch” button on the site. Here are a few you might want to consider:

“Are There More than Two Genders?”

“Can Trump Supporters & Immigrants See Eye To Eye?”

“Can Black Lives Matter & Law Enforcement See Eye To Eye?”


I’d like to know what you’ve been curious about, so let me know how your viewing goes. And may you feel curiosity for what you do not understand and for what you imagine you do, as you remember, today and every day, you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, even in church, Rev. Rita

Blessings and best wishes, Rita