Dear Ones,
May is winding down, and the shifted schedule of summer is upon us. I look forward to seeing all of you in June, before my own departure for vacation, General Assembly, and study leave. We celebrate our own beautiful diversity at our Flower Communion/New Members on June 5, Radical Welcome with Queer activist Alex Kapitan on June 12, and a Celebration of Life for former MSU President Margaret Preska, a long-time member of this congregation, also on June 12. We have much cause for joy as a community.
And I invite you to savor, as I have, this poem by white American poet Ellen Bass, a poem of the beauty and terror of living in the moment, as much as we are able. May you remember, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.
Blessings, Rev. Rita
“Saturn’s Rings”
Last night I saw the rings of Saturn
for the first time, that brilliant band
of icy crystals and dust. Mirrors
shepherding the light, collecting it
like pollen or manna
or pails of sweet clear water drawn
from the depths of an ancient well.