May 29, 2019 Minister’s Message

May 29
Dear Friends,
On June 1, we begin exploration of the Soul Matters theme of “Beauty.” And a fitting way to begin is with our Flower Communion worship on Sunday, June 2. The Flower Communion binds us to Unitarians all across our country and our world. We share a common practice, but in the unique ways of place and congregation. Just as in our Fellowship, we covenant to be together within our different ideas about the holy, so in our regional and national diversity we move united for peace, justice, compassion, and companionship. That is a beautiful thing.

As part of our ritual, we will exchange flowers with one another, so bring a few from your own garden or take a few from your neighbor (don’t forget to ask first!) or bring one from the market. And don’t worry if you don’t have a flower or forget on Sunday morning. We will have plenty here to share. And another reminder that as part of your offering, we will collect coins for the KIVA Children’s Fund.

As we move forward into the next part of our congregational year, may you feel the beauty of diversity and of sharing as you remember, today and every day, you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, even in church, Rev. Rita

Blessings and best wishes, Rita