May 31, 2023 Minister’s Message

Dear Ones,

The Soul Matters theme for the month of May is Creativity, and what a great topic to explore as the Fellowship engages transition and transformation.

Though I informed the congregation in March that I would resign my call to the Fellowship, I had made my decision nine months before (the UUA asks ministers to time their departures in ways that preserve the ministry already active, to minimize what is always a disruption). And so, I had begun to shift my ministry focus to clarifying staff roles, responsibilities, and capacities; to ministry, rather than minister, assessment; to shoring up the ways things are done in the Fellowship’s ministries, to leave a good description for the next minister; and to seeking out new leaders in the congregation. And I worked a lot on pastoral care, both providing it and supporting systems in the Fellowship to provide it once I depart. Perhaps you noticed. Some of this work has gone very smoothly. And, I did this all in the hope of easing the Fellowship’s way as it prepares for ministry in a different way.

There is a next bit of transition that I know folk often find painful and disconcerting—I begin now to end some of our forms of communication, specifically social media and texting. I will begin “unfriending” Fellowship folk on Facebook and removing contact information from my phone. “Unfriending” is an unfortunate term. I wish there were another. I make this separation between us so that you begin to imagine a relationship with a different minister and with different ministry practices. I am so sorry for the feelings of hurt this will cause. I remain here for you through June 30 to process all of this with you, even though, and even because, my actions may be the cause of your pain. Through all of this change, I trust your creativity in thriving together into your future, as you remember, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.

Blessings and warm wishes, Rev. Rita