November 18, 2020 Minister’s Message

I subscribe to a newsletter from Unitarian Universalist minister, the Rev. Catherine Clarenbach, which she calls “The Way of the River: A Digital Love Letter.” And it is a love letter, a missive calling for love, reminding of love, offering love. This month, I opened it and found these healing words, words I thought you could use, too. Rev. Catherine reflects on the notion of fate, what she calls “Wyrd,” a word used within pagan spirituality that means discovering one’s destiny or “what one was built for.”

This is not to say that all is already determined, but rather that our unique selves as we are have a special place in the world as it is. She writes, “I am the product of millions of years of life and longer on this planet. While I am unique in all of history and time (and of course, so are you), what is most important about me is that there is nothing, nothing about me from which I am separate, like it or not. There is no one, there is no thing—living, dead, sentient, ‘inanimate,’ from which I can be divided. In Stone Circle Wicca, we call this reality, ‘sacredness-connectedness.’”

All is one the web. All is web. We are web. Rev. Catherine goes on to say, “Because we are all connected, all actions have genuine consequences. If you act, speak, withdraw, jump in, make art, choreograph, wash dishes, tend wounds, inspire others, whatever it is…what it your Wyrd? Is there a dream of our ancestors that is yours to do? Or do you try to bring something new out of your heart, something never seen before?” Everything that each of us does matters to the rest. Everything—both good and bad. When you remember that everything is connected, you can feel at ease that the goodness you create has an impact in the world, often in ways you can’t know.

So, do what you are made for, and do it with your full attention and with great love, fulfill your sacredness-connectedness with joy, as you remember, too, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.

Blessings, Rev. Rita