November 22, 2023 Minister’s Message

As we approach the busy winter season from Thanksgiving through the New Year, I want to draw your attention to some special worship events throughout December. (These will also be on the website under Upcoming Services.)

On Wednesday, December 6th, I will hold a 4:30 pm “Blue Holiday” service. This is a service for anyone who is struggling with the holidays–whether due to loss of a loved one (recent or not), estrangement from family, financial stress, addiction, or something else. It is a small, quiet, contemplative service in which we hold space for those feelings that are not so festive, but very real for many at this time of year. There will be opportunities for sharing, which as always is optional.

On Thursday, December 21, I will lead a 7:00 Winter Solstice celebration. I am hoping to gather a few volunteer singers who would be willing to come an hour early and practice a few easy songs with me and Shay, so that we can lead the congregation together. If you’re interested, please let me know!

This year, Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday. We will not have a morning service that day. Instead, we will gather at 8:00 PM for a Christmas Eve service focused on the Christmas story and singing carols together, with a message about how that story relates to our world today.

If you have questions about any of the services, please reach out to me and I’ll do my best to answer them! In the meantime, if you celebrate Thanksgiving, may it be joyful. While I am very cognizant of the racist origins of the holiday, I do enjoy it as a time to focus on gratitude–this year I will be in Utah with my son and a few other family members.

May you enter the holiday season knowing you are surrounded by love, from this congregation and elsewhere.

In gratitude and love,

Rev. Diana