November 4, 2020 Minister’s Message

Picture of Chinese-American philosopher and social activist Grace Lee Boggs Chinese-American philosopher and social activist Grace Lee Boggs (1915-2015) wrote, “Another world is necessary. Another world is possible. Another world is happening.” While the votes continue to be counted, let us remember these words. Whatever the outcome, we know after the last four years and this election season that our country is in serious need of repair, and this is work that will last a long time. I am cultivating a peaceful heart in anticipation of the need for public witness to protect the counting. I am cultivating strength and resilience because the work for justice will not end with this election. Our democracy needs to be strengthened, needs to be more fair and more equitable for more people. The defending democracy is part of our Unitarian Universalist values, and I am readying myself to live more fully into the work this faith tradition calls me to do.


I will listen. I will struggle. I will resist. I will learn. I will do this because I know that the work will require that I change my life in significant ways. And I will do all this in community so that I will not feel alone, I will not re-entrench in my worst thoughts and behaviors. I pray you will be my partner in this hard and worthy work, as you remember, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.

Blessings, Rev. Rita