October 28, 2020 Minister’s Message

As we close out exploration of our theme “Deep Listening,” I encourage us to continue practicing this skill in our personal and social relationships. And let’s go deeper with this practice.

We listen deeply through the lens of our values. Let me emphasize that listening is not agreeing with a perspective. Listening is not supporting an idea. Listening is not affirming a viewpoint. We listen that we might understand better the concerns that that underpin thoughts and actions. We listen that we might show respect for the human beingness of another. We listen that we might grow in knowledge and awareness of our own deepest feelings, understandings, and beliefs. Deep listening is a powerful tool of privilege, of having power in relationships and exercising that power to provide a space for the voiceless to emerge. Deep listening enables those most marginalized to hear their own words and to find common cause.

As the election is approaching, we may be called to listen to those on the other side of the political spectrum. I know that I will struggle to listen as I try to quiet myself when I am hearing family and friends across that divide. I know I will resist listening to those whose voices express values that will harm people that I care about. I know I will vote against those voices expressing values that will perpetuate oppression and devalue the diverse humanity that belongs on the web as much as I do.

I will listen. I will struggle. I will resist. I will learn. And I will do this in community so that I will not feel alone, I will not re-entrench in my worst thoughts and behaviors. I pray you will be my partner in this hard and worthy work, as you remember, today and every day, that you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so, and may it be so.
Blessings, Rev. Rita