September 11, 2019 Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

This day is always a day of remembrance, when our lives as both Americans and as citizens of the world changed in ways that continue to affect our lives. In a time when suspicion and hatred abound, in a time when clannish hyper-involvement rather than curiosity and inclusivity mark too many relationships, we can be evermore grateful for our Fellowship and our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition. Here we look purposefully for the good and the decency, for the worth and dignity, in ourselves, in our companions, and in those we meet. Here, we understand—that though social, cultural, and political forces may seek to divide us—we are held in a web of mutuality. What happens to one of us happens to all of us.

These are not simply abstract principles. This Sunday, we will explore what community means—how it sustains us, how it taxes us, how it frets us, and how it nurtures us—when we expect to be in community and to invite others to live with us in community. We will recognize our community as a beautiful fabric requiring our faithful attention and our willingness to sew new swatches. I hope to see you on Sunday.

Until then, and in all times in between, may you remember you are loved, you are worthy, you are welcome, and you are needed. May you feel it so. And “Amen.”

Blessings and best wishes, Rev. Rita