Being and Becoming

July Theme: Growing Our Souls
Being and Becoming

Although sometimes it doesn’t feel this way, nothing about who or what we are (as a person, a people, a nation, a world) remains permanently set or fixed. We, from the micro to the macro, are in a perpetual state of formation and change. Part of this talk will draw upon Terri’s work in prison ministry and restorative justice.

The Rev. Terri Burnor is a Unitarian Universalist minister committed to multi-faith/multi-community ministry. She is building a Minnesota network of individuals and congregations who work with and for people who are incarcerated. She is also a volunteer chaplain in the state corrections system. Terri was ordained in March and lives in St. Paul with her spouse.

Worship Associate: Diane Dobitz
Sound Booth: Dennis Cramblit

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