Bread Communion—A UUFM Multi-generational Tradition

“Memory sews together events that hadn’t previously met.” Etel Adnan

Bread is a staple of life, and it comes it all kinds of forms, linking directly to what is grown and available in different parts of the world. Bread stays the same through time, even as the people eating it change. Bread Communion links us to the ancestors of this Fellowship and reminds us of our own past. And Bread Communion is a time to celebrate our present, as we grow into our unfolding future.

Bring your bread—the bread of your childhood, the bread of your family, the bread you love, bring all that bread to worship on Sunday, November 18. We will celebrate our roots and our wings as we share bread and welcome new members. The Choir will add to the celebration, and there will be age-appropriate activities for the children. A luncheon of soup (and bread, of course!) follows afterward in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome.


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