Flower Communion, a Joint Service between the Nora Unitarian Universalist Church of Hanska and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Mankato

The very first Flower Communion was celebrated on June 4, 1923, which is why we celebrate it on the first Sunday of June each year. This is a uniquely Unitarian ritual meaningful for many Unitarian Universalist congregations. All across the country, the continent, and the world, our religious companions also celebrate today the beauty of the season and of our faith tradition.


The Zoom information for Sunday Worship is below:

UUFM Sunday Morning Virtual Worship 10:30 am Followed by Virtual Coffee Hour Every Sunday Gathering begins at 10:10 am.


Join Zoom Video Meeting by clicking https://zoom.us/j/340634083 ; or by opening your Zoom icon and entering the Meeting ID 340 634 083 where it says “Join A Meeting”; or through an audio-only call by dialing on your phone 312-626-6799, then entering the Meeting ID 340 634 083, followed by # . The Meeting password is 883666. You will enter a Waiting Room, and a Host will greet you to admit you to the Worship Space.


Let Rev. Rita now if you need technical support (minister.uumankato@gmail.com and 716-903-7935). On Sunday morning, call or text Rev. Rita. She does not read email before or during Worship.
