Halloween/All Souls Service

Pagan practice holds that the veil between the world of the living and the dead grow thin at this time of year. Christian practice invites us to honor those who have departed this life. Let us commemorate today those we have lost this year, those who remain in our hearts and minds, in our memories and daily practices. Today we celebrate the departed who remain among us.


Our Zoom Worship Meeting opens at 10:10am, with informational slides at 10:20 and worship beginning at 10:30.

There are three ways to access the meeting:

  1. Click this link https://zoom.us/j/99358411229?pwd=eGU2RUNiS0lFNjdyZlFMOVZITEhCdz09
  2. Dial in by calling 312-626-6799, then enter Meeting ID 993 5841 1229 followed by #. When prompted, enter the passcode 883666.
  3. Open your downloaded Zoom icon, enter the Meeting ID 993 5841 1229 where it says “Join A Meeting” then when prompted enter the passcode 883666.

In all cases, you will enter a Waiting Room, and a Zoom Host will admit you to the Worship Space.


I strongly encourage you to gather with friends whose vaccination status matches yours and with whom you can share the service, and perhaps a meal, in the same physical space. This is a new way to safely gather for worship, until we can safely be in the sanctuary together.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme: Cultivating Relationships


Service Archive:

10 31 21 OOS

2021 1031 Homily–When the Veil Thins the Weight Lightens