“In These Hard Time, There Will Always Be ________”

May 17, 2020—”In These Hard Time, There Will Always Be ________”

Gratitude has been proven to re-wire our brains and thought patterns.  In difficult, overwhelming times, finding and focusing on joy can be difficult.  This morning, we will do just that:  find what still moves us and gives us joy in these hard times.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme: What does it mean to be a community of THRESHOLD?

***Please note the Zoom is requiring an upgrade.  It takes about 30 seconds.

The Zoom information for Sunday Worship is below:

UUFM Sunday Morning Virtual Worship 10:30 am Followed by Virtual Coffee Hour Every Sunday Gathering begins at 10:10 am.

Join Zoom Video Meeting by clicking https://zoom.us/j/340634083 ; or by opening your Zoom icon and entering the Meeting ID 340 634 083 where it says “Join A Meeting”; or through an audio-only call by dialing on your phone 312-626-6799, then entering the Meeting ID 340 634 083, followed by # . The Meeting password is 883666. You will enter a Waiting Room, and a Host will greet you to admit you to the Worship Space.

Let Rev. Rita now if you need technical support (minister.uumankato@gmail.com and 716-903-7935). On Sunday morning, call or text Rev. Rita. She does not read email before or during Worship.
