Mother’s Day – What is a Mother?

Mother’s Day is a day that we celebrate those people in our lives who have given us life. Lisa Myers, United Theological Seminary, will take us on an exploration of the idea of “Mothering” within the emergence of New Life.

Lisa Myers is in her third year at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities, where she is a Master of Divinity student concentrating on Theology and the Arts and Interreligious Chaplaincy. With one more year to go, she is looking forward to her future ministry in what will hopefully be a congregational or community setting. Her home church is the Unitarian Universalist Church of Minnetonka, where she has served on the Worship Arts Ministry as Facilitator and Worship Associate for five years. Lisa practices the art of Spiritual Photography and if she could she’d hold every worship service somewhere out in Nature. She currently lives in Hopkins, MN with her wonder cat, Joey.

Worship Associate: Sue Chambers
Sound Booth: Linda Ganske

May Theme: New Life

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