Bread Communion: Tradition and Change

Bread Communion is a long-time practice of this Fellowship, part of its identity as well as a joyful celebration of community. How do we hold such traditions in a changed reality and as a multiplatform congregation?


Our space is virtual, but our worship is real, vital, and life-sustaining.

The Zoom information for Sunday Worship is below:

UUFM Sunday Morning Virtual Worship 10:30 am Followed by Virtual Coffee Hour
Our Zoom Worship Meeting opens at 10:10am, with informational slides at 10:20 and worship beginning at 10:30.

Join Zoom Video Meeting by clicking ;or by opening your Zoom icon and entering the Meeting ID 993 5841 1229 where it says “Join A Meeting”; or through an audio-only call by dialing on your phone 312-626-6799, then entering the Meeting ID 993 5841 1229, followed by # . The Meeting password is 883666. You will enter a Waiting Room, and a Host will greet you to admit you to the Worship Space.

Soul Matters Monthly Theme: Holding History


Service Archive:

11 21 21 OOS

11 21 21 Homily–Tradition and Change