On Holy Ground: A Civil Rights Pilgrimage

In August, I took a pilgrimage to Memphis and Mississippi to visit sites connected to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, and meet people who were part of the story of that era as it happened. It was both a learning journey, and a witnessing of parts of our history I was not taught in school. I will share what I saw, heard, and felt, and how it impacted me in the months since the trip.


Join us after the service for in-person fellowship downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.  Children’s programs (Nursery and Children’s Chapel) are up and running.

Click this link to join the service:  https://zoom.us/j/99358411229?pwd=eGU2RUNiS0lFNjdyZlFMOVZITEhCdz09. Contact Worship Tech Kat Clements at cattyrant999@gmail.com or by texting 507-380-4451 if you have trouble accessing the Zoom worship service.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme:  Justice and Equity