Our Unitarian Universalist Faith and Reproductive Justice

The Rev. Kelli Clement of First Unitarian Society in Minneapolis joins us today to discuss state-wide and national work to uphold and defend body autonomy and the inherent right to control reproduction,
including through abortion.

This is an In Person & Zoom service.

Our Zoom Worship Meeting opens at 10:10am, with informational slides at 10:20 and worship beginning at 10:30.

There are three ways to access the meeting:

  1. Click this link https://zoom.us/j/99358411229?pwd=eGU2RUNiS0lFNjdyZlFMOVZITEhCdz09
  2. Dial in by calling 312-626-6799, then enter Meeting ID 993 5841 1229 followed by #. When prompted, enter the passcode 883666.
  3. Open your downloaded Zoom icon, enter the Meeting ID 993 5841 1229 where it says “Join A Meeting” then when prompted enter the passcode 883666.

In all cases, you will enter a Waiting Room, and a Zoom Host will admit you to the Worship Space.

After the service, stay on and join UUFM Coffee Hour.

Soul Matters Monthly Theme:  Renewing Faith




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