Peace in Our Time

As a Unitarian Universalist congregation, we affirm and promote the 6th Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. Through this All-Generation service, we explore how peace, both internal and in the larger world, is bound tightly with liberty and justice. And we will celebrate peace by honoring the Fellowship Peace Pole, lovingly created by now-departed congregants Nancy and David Allan. Rev. Rita preaching.

9 18 22 OOS–Peace in Our Time

9 18 22 Sermon–Peace in Our Time

Click this link to join the service: Contact Rev. Rita at or 716-903-7935 if you have trouble accessing the Zoom worship service and coffee hour.

When Rev. Rita is away, contact Shelly Storm, Communications and Office Administrator at and 507-388-5022 or Board President Bob Finley at and 507-380-1869.


Soul Matters Monthly Theme:  Belonging
